Wednesday, October 9, 2013

After Stone Mountain we set sail for Columbus Georgia home of FT Benning Army Camp only about 150 miles south of Atlanta GA.  Once we got their we found a real nice camp ground a few miles out of town.
We went to the National Infantry Museum, were we saw some of the best and most impressing displays of military history you could imagine. It would be hard to say which is the best , but the Medal of Honor display would be one that makes you feel very proud of this county and these men that received this honor. Its an all glass display of all the men that received the Medal of Honor, their picture, the year, and war in which they fought dating back to the civil war.
Also we visited the National Civil War Navel Museum. And of course the main reason to be their was to see Dorian, Jane's Grandson graduate from boot camp. The ceremony was very impressive as well from beginning to end. The day before the graduation is the turning blue ceremony.

 The Infantry Blue Cord is a United States Army decoration worn over the right shoulder of all qualified U.S. Army infantryman. It is a fourragere in light blue ("Infantry Blue") worn under the right shoulder and under the right epaulette of a U.S. Army infantryman's Class A dress green or dress blue uniform jacket or Class B shirt. The cord is composed of a series of alternating left and right half knots that are tied around a leader cord to form a "Solomon bar".
The Infantry Blue Cord is presented to all qualified infantryman in the U.S. Army at the end of their Initial Entry Training.

After the graduation on August 16 & 17 we pulled up stakes and set off for the final leg (1,000 miles) of our journeys destination, NY.
We spent the next 3 days on the road, with a quick stop in South Carolina to have dinner with Jane's nephew.
 It felt good that we had finally made it after about 7 weeks on the road.  We put on 6,004 miles, and used about 450 gal. of diesel fuel. We settled in at Korn's camp ground in Middletown NY.  Since we arrived here on August 20th and plan to be here until about October 22nd. We have made trips to Lockport NY, Buffalo NY and Niagara Falls, Albany NY, Wayland NY, and New York City, We saw friends or family in most of these places. Jane's son and daughter live in this area so we have spent a lot of time with them. The trip to the city was really fun, we took the train in and back home and really beats driving and trying to find a place to park once there. The trip takes about 80 minutes.

                                                Going thru the locks on the Erie Canal
                                       Pizza and beer after a hard day at the falls on the Canadian side

                                                                     It was really windy

                                        Maid of the Mist boat that takes you really close to the falls

                                                            Times Square area at noon
                                                             A stroll thru Central Park
                            We just happened to get tickets to a taping of David Letterman show, really fun
                                                      You see the craziest things in NY City
She wanted me to buy a pretzel 

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